Notre foi dans le sacrifice de la croix / Our Faith in the Sacrifice of the Cross Miki Hardy
Publié il y a 12 ans
Le sacrifice de Jésus sur la croix était complet. Il a tout accompli à la croix et aujourd'hui, notre victoire est dans la révélation de ce que Jésus a fait sur cette Croix. Rien d'autre que cela doit être la base de notre foi. Dans notre vie chrétienne, il n'y a pas de place pour dépendre de nous-même, ou pour dépendre de notre propre compréhension. Souvent, quand Dieu bouge, cela va au delà de notre compréhension, mais dans notre coeur, nous devons savoir que notre foi n'est pas basée sur des choses éphémères. Notre foi se tient sur ce que Jésus a accompli sur la Croix. Nous avons besoin d'avoir la foi pour nos vies, la foi pour grandir dans le Seigneur, la foi pour Son oeuvre dans nos coeurs, la foi pour identifier nos vies à lui et à ses souffrances. Sans cette foi, nous ne pouvons pas nous courber devant le Seigneur et le permettre d'oeuvrer en nous. Sans avoir la foi en ce qu'il a fait sur la croix, nous ne serons jamais capable d'arriver au point où nous nous soumettons à lui. Si notre foi ne repose pas sur la plénitude de ce que Christ a fait sur la croix, notre foi est vaine.
Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross was complete. He accomplished everything at the Cross and today, our victory is in the revelation of what Jesus did on that Cross. This is what our faith should be based on and nothing else. There is no room in our Christian lives to depend on ourselves, or to rely on our own understanding. Often, when God moves, it goes beyond our understanding, but in our hearts we must know that our faith is not based on temporal things. Our faith stands on what Jesus accomplished on the Cross. We need faith for our lives, faith to grow in the Lord, faith for His work in our lives, faith to identify our lives with Him in His suffering. Without this faith, we cannot bow down before the Lord and allow Him to work in us. Without faith in what He did on the Cross we will never be able to come to a place of submission to Him. If our faith doesn't rest on the fullness of what Christ did on the Cross, then our faith is in vain.
Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross was complete. He accomplished everything at the Cross and today, our victory is in the revelation of what Jesus did on that Cross. This is what our faith should be based on and nothing else. There is no room in our Christian lives to depend on ourselves, or to rely on our own understanding. Often, when God moves, it goes beyond our understanding, but in our hearts we must know that our faith is not based on temporal things. Our faith stands on what Jesus accomplished on the Cross. We need faith for our lives, faith to grow in the Lord, faith for His work in our lives, faith to identify our lives with Him in His suffering. Without this faith, we cannot bow down before the Lord and allow Him to work in us. Without faith in what He did on the Cross we will never be able to come to a place of submission to Him. If our faith doesn't rest on the fullness of what Christ did on the Cross, then our faith is in vain.
Avec Miki Hardy