Notre attitude envers le péché / Our Attitude Towards Sin Miki Hardy
Publié il y a 11 ans
Il est triste de voir que beaucoup de chrétiens vivent encore sous l'esclavage du péché, ne réalisant pas que Jésus est venu pour nous sauver et délivrer de nos péchés. Certains ont une attitude légère envers leurs péchés tandis que d'autres sont légalistes et vivent sous la condamnation de leurs péchés. Puis il y a ceux qui sont conscients du fait qu'ils sont faibles, mais en même temps ils sont prêts à prendre leur croix, à renier leur chair et leur nature pécheresse, afin de permettre au Seigneur de les libérer, car ils désirent Le servir.
It is sad to see that many Christians still live under the slavery of sin, not realising that Jesus came to save and deliver us from our sins. Some have a lighthearted or casual attitude towards their sins while others are legalistic and live under the condemnation of their sins. Then there are those who are aware that they are weak but at the same time are ready to take up their cross, to deny their flesh and their sinful nature, and to allow the Lord to set them free, because they desire to serve Him.
It is sad to see that many Christians still live under the slavery of sin, not realising that Jesus came to save and deliver us from our sins. Some have a lighthearted or casual attitude towards their sins while others are legalistic and live under the condemnation of their sins. Then there are those who are aware that they are weak but at the same time are ready to take up their cross, to deny their flesh and their sinful nature, and to allow the Lord to set them free, because they desire to serve Him.
Avec Miki Hardy