Le sacrifice de Christ Miki Hardy
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Publié il y a 12 ans
Depuis l'époque d'Adam jusqu'à l'époque de Christ, le monde a vécu sous l'esclavage du péché. Il n'y avait pas de solution pour que l'homme soit libéré du péché, mais au moment où le Seigneur a donné sa vie sur la Croix et est mort pour nous, Il a accompli la victoire sur le péché pour toute l'humanité. En raison de son sacrifice, nous ne sommes plus esclaves, nous sommes libres, libres de notre passé et de tout ce qui peut nous garder liés aujourd'hui. Avons-nous bien compris la puissance du sacrifice de Christ pour nous ?
From the time of Adam until the time of Christ, the world lived under the slavery of sin. There was no solution for man to be free from sin, but the moment the Lord gave His life on the Cross and died for us, He accomplished the victory over sin for the whole of humanity. Because of His sacrifice we are no longer slaves, we are free; free from everything of our past and anything that can keep us bound today. Do we realise the power of Christ's sacrifice for us?
From the time of Adam until the time of Christ, the world lived under the slavery of sin. There was no solution for man to be free from sin, but the moment the Lord gave His life on the Cross and died for us, He accomplished the victory over sin for the whole of humanity. Because of His sacrifice we are no longer slaves, we are free; free from everything of our past and anything that can keep us bound today. Do we realise the power of Christ's sacrifice for us?
Avec Miki Hardy
Prière de relèvement : Psaume 147 - Jérémy Sourdril
Prières inspirées
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