La soumission dans notre vie de tous les jours Miki Hardy
La soumission dans notre vie de tous les jours (Miki Hardy)
Publié il y a 12 ans
Nous faisons face tous les jours à certaines formes d'autorité, que ce soit dans le naturel ou dans le spirituel. On est appelé à se soumettre – à Dieu, à nos frères et soeurs en Christ, aux gouvernements, à nos employeurs. L'exemple le plus parfait de soumission, d'humilité et d'obéissance, a été Jésus à travers Son père. Il a reconnu l'autorité de Son père sur Sa vie. Le pasteur Miki Hardy nous explique combien c'est la même chose pour nous, on est appelé à être soumis à Son plan et à Sa volonté, à nous humilier et à Le laisser faire ce qu'Il veut dans nos vies.
Every day we are faced with some kind of authority, be it spiritual or natural. We're called to be submitted – to God, to our brothers and sisters in Christ, to our governments, to our employers. The most perfect example of submission, accompanied with humility and obedience, was Jesus towards his Father. Jesus recognised His Father's authority on His life. Pastor Miki Hardy explains how this is the same for us – we are called to submit ourselves to His plan and His will, to humble ourselves and allow Him to do what He wants to do in our lives.
Every day we are faced with some kind of authority, be it spiritual or natural. We're called to be submitted – to God, to our brothers and sisters in Christ, to our governments, to our employers. The most perfect example of submission, accompanied with humility and obedience, was Jesus towards his Father. Jesus recognised His Father's authority on His life. Pastor Miki Hardy explains how this is the same for us – we are called to submit ourselves to His plan and His will, to humble ourselves and allow Him to do what He wants to do in our lives.
Avec Miki Hardy