La semence et la moisson Miki Hardy
La semence et la moisson (Miki Hardy)
Publié il y a 12 ans
"Le pasteur Miki Hardy de CTMI, Maurice, nous partage ce message à propos de semer et de récolter dans notre vie chrétienne. Afin de récolter il faut d'abord semer. La Bible nous dit que la graine doit d'abord tomber au sol et mourir, alors seulement, quand le moment viendra, elle grandira et portera des fruits. Il en est de même spirituellement ; 2 Corinthiens 9: 10 « Celui qui fournit la semence au semeur, et du pain pour sa nourriture, vous fournira et vous multipliera la semence, et il augmentera les fruits de votre justice ». Nous voyons donc que la graine ne peut pas se multiplier tant qu'elle n'est pas morte, et que la moisson mentionnée, c'est la justice, et pas nécessairement le gain matériel. Ceci peut être vu dans la vie des grands hommes de Dieu dans l'Ancienne Alliance : Abraham, Isaac, Jacob et Joseph, une vie d'obéissance offerte à Dieu. Chacune de leur vie a été une semence. De même, nos vies doivent être des graines, portant du fruit pour le Royaume.
Pastor Miki Hardy of CTMI, Mauritius, brings us this message about sowing and reaping in our Christian lives. In order to reap we must first sow. The Bible tells us that, first the seed falls to the ground and dies, and only then, when the time is right it grows and bears fruit. It is the same spiritually; 2 Corinthians 9:10 ""He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, will supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness"". So we see that the seed cannot multiply until it has died, and that the harvest mentioned is righteousness, and not necessarily material. This can be seen in the lives of the great men of God in the Old Covenant; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, all of them obedient and offering their lives to God. Each of their lives was a seed that was sown. In the same way, our lives must be seeds, bearing fruit for the Kingdom.
Pastor Miki Hardy of CTMI, Mauritius, brings us this message about sowing and reaping in our Christian lives. In order to reap we must first sow. The Bible tells us that, first the seed falls to the ground and dies, and only then, when the time is right it grows and bears fruit. It is the same spiritually; 2 Corinthians 9:10 ""He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, will supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness"". So we see that the seed cannot multiply until it has died, and that the harvest mentioned is righteousness, and not necessarily material. This can be seen in the lives of the great men of God in the Old Covenant; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, all of them obedient and offering their lives to God. Each of their lives was a seed that was sown. In the same way, our lives must be seeds, bearing fruit for the Kingdom.
Avec Miki Hardy