La foi simple / Simple Faith Miki Hardy
Publié il y a 12 ans
Le juste vivra par la foi ! Nous savons tous que sans la foi, il est impossible de plaire à Dieu. Après que les disciples aient pêché toute la nuit sans rien attraper, il est bon de remarquer leur réaction à la Parole de Jésus. Ils ont eu la foi, juste parce que Jésus avait 'dit'. Nous avons besoin d'avoir la foi pour notre vie de tous les jours si nous voulons que Dieu intervienne pour que nous marchions dans la victoire. Nous ne devons pas permettre aux situations de la vie de nous écraser. Au contraire nous devons toujours nous rappeler que Dieu a déjà tout fait pour nous !
The just shall live by faith! We all know that without faith it is impossible to please God. After the disciples had been fishing all night with no success, it is good that we take note of their reaction to the words of Jesus. They had faith just because of what Jesus had 'said'. We need to have faith in our everyday lives if we want God to intervene, so that we can walk in victory. We should not allow the circumstances of life to crush us, instead we must always remember always that God has already accomplished everything for us!
The just shall live by faith! We all know that without faith it is impossible to please God. After the disciples had been fishing all night with no success, it is good that we take note of their reaction to the words of Jesus. They had faith just because of what Jesus had 'said'. We need to have faith in our everyday lives if we want God to intervene, so that we can walk in victory. We should not allow the circumstances of life to crush us, instead we must always remember always that God has already accomplished everything for us!
Avec Miki Hardy