Comprendre le plan de Dieu pour l'eglise/Understand God's Plan for the Church Miki Hardy
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Publié il y a 12 ans
Quand je regarde en arrière, je vois combien depuis 1982, Dieu a accomplis de choses dans ma vie, dans notre église et dans les nations. C'est excitant et encourageant! Dieu a un plan pour l'oeuvre qu'Il fait dans chaque vie et dans chacun d'entre nous à travers l'Eglise. La grâce de Dieu est avec nous et nous sommes conscients qu'Il nous équipe afin que Son plan se réalise en son temps.
When I look back to 1982 I can see how much God has accomplished in my own life, in our church and in the nations. It's very exciting and encouraging! God has a plan for what He is doing in the lives of each one of us and throughout His Church. God's grace is ever present with us and we are aware that He is equipping us; that His plan will come to pass in His time.
When I look back to 1982 I can see how much God has accomplished in my own life, in our church and in the nations. It's very exciting and encouraging! God has a plan for what He is doing in the lives of each one of us and throughout His Church. God's grace is ever present with us and we are aware that He is equipping us; that His plan will come to pass in His time.
Avec Miki Hardy
Prière de relèvement : Psaume 147 - Jérémy Sourdril
Prières inspirées
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