Publié il y a 11 ans
IHOP-KC Onething Conference - Dec 30, 2012
I take this place and here abide
In the Rock I will hide
It's my choice to lay the labor
At the feet of Christ my Savior
And I hide away beneath the shadow of Your wings
And I when I cry and faint I have a place that comforts me
You comfort me (4x)
Let my heart be found and made alive in the life and death of Christ
For my righteousness it fails to afford the purchase of my sin
So I must hide away beneath the shadow of Your wings
And when I lose my way, I have a shade that covers me
You cover me (3x)
Your hands nailed through
My comfort
Your body bruised
My comfort
Your name blasphemed
My comfort
Your eyes on me
My comfort
Your tears of grief falling to the ground
My comfort
The Jewish king hailed mockingly
My comfort
The sky dark and all the hateful voices
Your perseverance with eyes lifted upward
Your robe divided, Your cross brought low
The tomb found empty, alive forevermore
So I must hide away beneath the shadow of Your wings
And when I lose my way I have a shade that covers me
You cover me (3x)
I take this place and here abide
In the Rock I will hide
It's my choice to lay the labor
At the feet of Christ my Savior
And I hide away beneath the shadow of Your wings
And I when I cry and faint I have a place that comforts me
You comfort me (4x)
Let my heart be found and made alive in the life and death of Christ
For my righteousness it fails to afford the purchase of my sin
So I must hide away beneath the shadow of Your wings
And when I lose my way, I have a shade that covers me
You cover me (3x)
Your hands nailed through
My comfort
Your body bruised
My comfort
Your name blasphemed
My comfort
Your eyes on me
My comfort
Your tears of grief falling to the ground
My comfort
The Jewish king hailed mockingly
My comfort
The sky dark and all the hateful voices
Your perseverance with eyes lifted upward
Your robe divided, Your cross brought low
The tomb found empty, alive forevermore
So I must hide away beneath the shadow of Your wings
And when I lose my way I have a shade that covers me
You cover me (3x)

La «pire» prédication de Jésus - Jérémy Sourdril
Prières inspirées

Quels sont les critères pour bien choisir son futur conjoint ? - Freddy KOYAMBA
Bonjour chez vous !

Comment se remettre d'une trahison ? - Annabelle Sourdril
À table avec Annabelle

Dans les lieux élevés (Higher places) - Gordon Zamor
Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière

6 secrets pour améliorer son estime de soi - Lilliane Sanogo
Secret de femmes

Le Saint-Esprit - Partie 4 - Mario Massicotte
Pain de vie

Le mari qui honore son épouse - John Bevere
John Bevere

Vous l'avez déjà - épisode 23 - Andrew Wommack
La Vérité de l'Évangile

Le Livre des Psaumes (épisode 62) - Ayyad Zarif
Toute la Bible

Rebâtissons les murs - partie 2 - Gregory Toussaint
Vivre le surnaturel

Comment être libre des forteresses - partie 1 - Chriss Campion
Tout est possible avec Jésus

Emmanuel, Dieu avec nous - Mathieu Turpin
Église Le Centre

Porte fermée ! - Ricardo Rodriguez
Avivamiento Centro Mundial