Publié il y a 10 ans
Helen Baylor chante sa reconnaissance et son amour envers le Seigneur Jésus-Christ qui a restauré sa vie.

Thank you Jesus :

Father there are time's when it's hard to pray
When the darkness comes
And I feel my faith start slip away
When my strength is gone
And I'm so afraid

I reach out and call your name
When the shadow of the past
Block the vision that you give
Your perfect love dissolves my fears
No matter what I've said or done
You find it easy to forgive
I can feel your present near

Thank you Jesus you're the power and the glory
Thank you Jesus you're the never ending story
Thank you Jesus you're my savor and my Lord
Thank you Jesus you're the father of creation
Thank you Jesus you are mercy and salvation
Thank you Jesus
With your love my broken heart has been restored

Deep within my soul there's a shining light
Where your spirit live
And it guide me on thru the darkness nights
You are always there to deliver me
With your everlasting love
Living in a modern world is not an easy thing to do
Imagination rules the heart
When I think of giving up
I raise my hands and pray to you
Let your loving and kindness start

Thank you Jesus you're the power and the glory
Thank you Jesus you're the never ending story
Thank you Jesus you're my savor and my Lord
I Thank you Jesus you're the father of creation
Thank you Jesus you are mercy and salvation
Thank you Jesus
With your love my broken heart has been restored

Your all inspiring me shell be on every tone
I will proclaim your greatness Jesus only one
My mouth shell speak the praises of the Lord
And bless his holy name
Forever more

I Thank you Jesus you're the power and the glory
Thank you Jesus you're the never ending story
Thank you Jesus you're my savor and my Lord
I Thank you Jesus you're the father of creation
Thank you Jesus you're mercy and salvation
Thank you Jesus
With your love my broken heart has been restored

Thank you Jesus you're the power and the glory
Thank you Jesus you're the never ending story
Thank you Jesus you're my savor and
I'm better than I been before
Better than I been before

Avec Helen Baylor

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