Just to be Close to You - Fred Hammond
Publié il y a 10 ans
Tout ce que je veux c'est être près de toi, c'est mon désir. C'est ce que chante Fred Hammond dans ce chant d'adoration.
Just to be close to you :
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
Just to be close to you
(To the King of kings)
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
When I come into your presence
And I'm down on my knees
When I'm close to you, Jesus
I know that You're all that I need
Just to be close to you
(To the King of kings)
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
Just to be close to you
(To the King of kings)
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
Just to be close to you
(To the King of kings)
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
Just to be close to you :
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
Just to be close to you
(To the King of kings)
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
When I come into your presence
And I'm down on my knees
When I'm close to you, Jesus
I know that You're all that I need
Just to be close to you
(To the King of kings)
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
Just to be close to you
(To the King of kings)
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
Just to be close to you
(To the King of kings)
Just to be close to you
Just to be close to you
Is my desire
Avec Fred Hammond
Le chemin que tu dois prendre ! - Jérémy Sourdril
Prières inspirées
Quelle est la source de ta colère ? - Omer Kabuya
Bonjour chez vous !
Temps d'intercession - Gordon Zamor
Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
Les remèdes à l'angoisse
Paris Centre Chrétien
Vivre le meilleur de Dieu - partie 1 - Andrew Wommack
La Vérité de l'Évangile
Le Livre des Psaumes (épisode 20) - Ayyad Zarif
Toute la Bible
La Foi de réussir - Jérémy Sourdril
Église Plénitude
La prière que Dieu exauce toujours - partie 1 - Daniel W. Poulin
Le son du réveil
Remerciez Dieu