Publié il y a 10 ans
Fred Hammond nous encourage par ce chant à lever les mains au ciel et à célébrer le Seigneur, car il est vivant !


I know he lives (woah)

I believe he lives (ooh)
I'm sure he lives (woah)
I'm sure he lives
(How ya'll doin today?)
I know he lives (The savior lives)
The savior lives (ooh, oh)

It's time to celebrate the savior and his worth
Let's shout because we know he lives and we are certain
His love has set us free our enemies defeated
If with me you agree... come on and lift up your hands

Everybody lift your hands if you know that Jesus is worthy
Open up and give him praise let's do it in a hurry
If you love him let's glorify in the song and in the dance
You know the savior lives come on and lift up your hands

To understand just why we praise let me tell you how it all went down
The news spread so very fast people came from miles around
This would be the day Christ would be crucified
He took his last breath he hung his head and he died
They took my savior down from off that rugged cross
They laid him in a tomb it seemed all hope was truly lost
But the third day came along and broke the rhythm of life
The stone was rolled away an angel proudly proclaimed

He lives (He lives) He lives
(Christ is risen) Christ is risen just like he said
(Our Lord and savior) The Lord and saviors' no longer dead
Rejoice and celebrate He lives He lives-Jesus, He's alive!

Avec Fred Hammond

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