Publié il y a 9 ans
Heaven thundered
And the world was born
Life begins and ends
In the dust You formed
Faith commanded
And the mountains moved
Fear is losing ground
To our hope in You

Unstoppable God
Let Your glory go on and on
Impossible things
In Your name they shall be done (oh)

Freedom conquered
All our chains undone
Sin defeated
Jesus is overcome
Mercy triumphed
When the third day dawned
Darkness was denied
When the stone was gone

Nothing shall be impossible
Your kingdom reigns unstoppable
We'll shout Your praise forevermore
Jesus our God unstoppable

Avec Elevation Worship

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Vidéo officielle de la campagne Podcast vidéo : les choses bougent à EMCI ! Les vies sont transformées comme celle de Julie maBible Junior : L'histoire de Jésus et du paralytique.
Qui portent la vision d'EMCI et qui l'amèneront plus loin !
11 179
jours restants
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